You little feathered thing!

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Ourshellves's avatar

I. Was. Tagged.

(Message for Tir: I'm going to eat all your apples Problem? !)
But it's my first "tagging journal", so why not?


(And I'm going to respect them, of course ! Disbelief )
  1. you must write this rules in your journals 
  2. you must write 10 facts about yourself
  3. answer 10 questions left for you and do your own 10 questions for those you want to tag
  4. choose 10 deviants to tag and left their icons in this journal
  5. remind them about your tag
  6. nothing like "you read - you're tagged"
  7. you must legally hold 10 persons
  8. don't tag back
  9. you can't say  "i don't do tags "

Bullet; Purple Bullet; Purple Bullet; Purple  Hi! Something you don't really care about:Hi! Bullet; Purple Bullet; Purple Bullet; Purple 

  1. I'm scared of the sky at night. When I lie and look up, I feel like "Omg it'll suck me up! Ruuuun!". I feel like a crumb in a vacuum cleaner. Sweating a little... 
  2. I hate, when I read a perfect book and the end is here too soon! Good books have no permission to have any end! :D
  3. I like dark chocolate (more than 70% is ideal for me Meow :3 ) and kiwi.
  4. I collect anime openings and endings.
  5. I write notes everywhere on my drawing papers, but I don't read them.
  6. On Monday I got glasses. I just had to laugh - President's face in the photo in our classroom was scary clear.
  7. You guessed right. I finally found the website where are writed all emoticons. And then I opened Stash.Writer :facepalm:...
  8. When I'm bored so much,that I have nothing in my head (well, it's more rare than it seems :D), I usually get crazy. I don't care 'bout anyone who's watching me and sing or try to dance (wrooong idea :D). And when I can bug someone with this it's just amazing! EVIL Laughter! 
  9. I'd love to learn Japanese.

Tiria's questions:

  1. You're favorite food?
  2. Are you afraid of something?
  3. Are you in love?
  4. What kind of art do you prefer?
  5. What is your favorite animal and why?
  6. Do you have a pet? What do you have? Meow :3
  7. How often are you on the computer?
  8. What gift did you get for Christmas?
  9. You are very active at night or day?
  10. Do you like apples? :>
  1. Sushi!:squee:  All kinds of fish, coconuts, crisps...
  2. Naturally. :D I'm afraid of the night sky, death, paralysis, imputatition of any part of my body Sweating a little... ... Quite common fears, I guess. 
  3. Hmmm, maybe with some art, book, character or something, but I'm sure I'm not in love with any real person. :D
  4. To create or to watch? :D Well, I like all kinds of art, when there's some idea in it. Or nice colours, atmosphere... Something, what makes me stare at one image longer than 5 sec. :D When I draw, I prefer watercolours. If the picture seems too difficult (or a bit more important :D) I use graphic tablet.
  5.  Bats! I think echolocation's just amazing ability, their style of fly is also interesting and precise! Well, I like their "dragon-like" wings, but the echolocation is the main reason, why I choze bats. :meow:
  6. A dog, cat, brother has a guinea-pig.
  7. Every day.
  8. Books. A lot of books. (Especially Anatomy for artist is pretty useful. :meow:)
  9. At day. I need to sleep a lot. And to fall asleep I need a bit of darkness. (Bh, in summer there aren't many ways to fall asleep for me:| (Blank Stare) )
  10. Yop! Especially the green ones, which are the harsest! La la la la 

A protože už mám plné zuby toho, jak jsem v angličtině marná, otázky si napíšu v češtině. Giggle 

  1. Kontaktní čočky, nebo brýle?
  2. Kdybys mohl/a ve svém životě něco vymazat/přepsat, co by to bylo?
  3. Jsi ve společnosti radši bavičem, nebo se bavit spíš necháváš?
  4. Slovo, které ti právě proletělo hlavou.
  5. Který způsob smrti je podle tebe nejhorší?
  6. Zkoušela sis někdy u jídla představit místo fláku zvíře, ze kterého flák je? Bylo ti to jedno, nebo jsi najednou pochopila vegetariány? (nevím, vegetariáni nechť totéž provedou se salátem)
  7. Nejoblíbenější smajlík (jedno na které stránce) ?
  8. Průpovídka/názor, který nemůžeš vystát (blbá blondýna, žena patří do domácnosti...)?
  9. Nejnudnější situace...?
  10. Kdyby sis po smrti mohla vybrat, převtělila by ses (v co?)/napochodovala do nebe (pekla, to je fuk)/cokoliv jiného?

Tagnutá chůďata:

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 tu hrůzu výše berte s rezervou. Draggy prostě přešla chuť angličtinu jen poslouchat. Ona ji musí prvořadě zmučit
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macroeyed's avatar
s tím strachem s otevřené noční oblohy jsme na tom podobně! :D